Taken from Lithgow Mercury on Saturday 8th October 2011
DID you know, according to the trade magazine for the toner and inkjet remanufacturing industry, The Recycler, each empty laser cartridge contributes about 2.5 pounds (0.48kg) in land till waste. Each inkjet cartridge contributes about 1 ounce (0.012kg) in land fill waste the Clover Technologies Group have declared. And each discarded laser cartridge adds approximately 2.5 pounds (0.48kg) of metal and plastic waste to our land fills say the International Imaging Technology Council. They also tell us each cartridge can take up to 1000 years to decompose.
The plastic in each new laser toner cartridge takes three and a half quarts (approx. 15.91 litres) of oil to produce while each new inkjet cartridge requires two and a half ounces (70 ml) of oil according to Recharger Magazine.
Whether you want to know all these facts or not, common sense should prevail and we should be thinking about the foot print we leave on this wonderful planet.
Why not start with ink cartridges? Head in to your local Cartridge World for your environmentally friendlier recharge cartridges to lesson your print not only on our world but on your wallet as well.
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